Category: Upload

Advanced Multi-Clip

Start Upload Studio. Use multi-clip to create a video with some of your great gaming moments. Save it and add it to your library. Now, here comes the awesome part. Create a new multi-clip edit and add the previously saved video as one of the clips in your current video. You’re now on your way…

Editing Overview

Launching Upload Studio will present you with 4 editing options. Trim does just that. Cut your clip down to just that sweet moment. Picture in picture lets you have two clips running at the same time. Select game play for one and record yourself talking about it with Kinect. Or, mix and match as you…

Capturing Gameplay Footage

At any time during your game play say “Xbox, record that” to automatically save the last 30 seconds to a clip. Keep playing if you want, or automatically jump over to Upload Studio and begin editing by holding the Guide Button when the notification appears. If you want more than 30 seconds, launch the Game…

Upload & Upload Studio

With your Xbox One you have everything you need to record and edit your very own gameplay footage. Upload Studio is where you can trim your clips, string ’em together, add some voiceover or even record footage of yourself with Kinect. Launch Upload and you can browse other clips, find stuff from your friends or…